Tuesday, July 10, 2007


It doesn't surprise me in the slightest to read the following gloomy prediction in the Indo this morning, not in the least, my only surprise is that the figures are not higher.

"NEARLY 200,000 people in Ireland will suffer from diabetes by 2015, medical experts predicted yesterday.

Obesity is the main factor being blamed for the estimated 37pc increase expected in the disease over the next eight years.

The stark figures are contained in a new report published by the All-Ireland Institute of Public Health, which says that by 2015 around 193,944 people in the Republic will be diagnosed with diabetes - up from 141,000 two years ago.

In the same period, the number of those diagnosed with the disease in the North will have increased by 26pc.

Most of those affected will develop Type 2 diabetes, which is linked to such lifestyle factors as overweight and lack of exercise.

Commenting on the report, Dr James Kiely, chief medical officer of the Department of Health, said: "We are facing a dramatic rise in diabetes. This is largely due to the sharp rise in obesity and stresses the importance of well-organised and sustained efforts in prevention."

The report calls for a comprehensive All-Ireland system for monitoring the prevalence of excessive weight and obesity here, as well as the factors causing the problem.

"High-quality diabetes registers should be urgently established and maintained on the island of Ireland, North and South, with a view to creating an All-Ireland Register."

It also stresses the need for more studies to be carried to to examine the level of Type 1 and 2 diabetes among people up to the age of 19 and also the prevalence in older age groups.

Efforts also need to be made to look at the ethnic origins of people who are diagnosed with the illness, it says.

The report predicts that more men than women will develop the disease due to their higher rates of obesity.

Type 2 diabetes can cause serious complications, including heart disease and stroke. It is also responsible for kidney damage and eyesight problems which can result in blindness. The danger is that many people have no outward Type 2 symptoms and can go years without being diagnosed.

Symptoms include being unusually thirsty, having to urinate often, feeling hungry all the time, losing weight, blurry vision, feeling very tired or frequent infections.

Services to treat obesity here are under severe strain and currently the only specialist treatment service for adults is the weight-management clinic in St Columcille's Hospital, Loughlinstown, Dublin. It continues to have a huge waiting list.

There are plans to open weight-management clinics in the Mercy Hospital in Cork and University College Hospital in Galway. But it will be the end of the year before the services are up and running, with the necessary staff in place."

In the last year alone I know of three folk diganosed with diabetes, the Paramour's uncle, a man in his fifties, a chap I know, a man in his forties and a girl I used to work with, who is-get this-thirty. In all three cases the trigger is surely lifestyle, rich food, lack of regular exercise and increasing weight.
Because diabetes is a controllable disease people don't seem to give it the respect it deserves. Lets have a gander at those complications again. Having type 2 diabetes increases your risk of heart disease (cardiovascular disease), blindness (retinopathy), nerve damage (neuropathy), and kidney damage (nephropathy). In severe cases it can lead to amputation.
Not so cuddly a disease.

Diabetes is the fifth leading cause of death by disease in the United States. Nearly 21 million children and adults nationwide suffer from diabetes and another 41 million are at risk for the condition. If present trends continue, one in three Americans, and one in two minorities, born in 2000 will develop diabetes in their lifetime.

According to the American Diabetes Association the first treatment for type 2 diabetes is often meal planning for blood sugar control, weight loss, and exercising. weight loss and exercise, two relatively simple life style changes that can have far reaching implication to a person's over- all health.
So why are we as a nation growing fatter? Why are we piling on the pounds? Why do we not address our expanding waists, our diet of convenience, our soft drink addictions ( we were 4th in a recent study of soft drink consumption in 15 years olds, behind USA 3rd Israel 2nd, and Northern Ireland romping how the clear winner with 71% of it 15 year olds drinking a soft drink daily).

Why are we choosing to ignore the rising epidemic in our midst? Is it laziness? Head in the sand? What?
People need to take care with what they eat, people need to get moving. People need to stop making excuses. 'Oh I never get time to exercise' is nonsense, make time. Cut out an hour's television and walk, get up earlier and go to the gym. Don't eat so much packaged food, swap water from a soft drink. Notice your pants getting tight? Don't buy a bigger pair, or blame the washing machine/dry cleaner, (my mother's favourite) it's a sign. Give the bus a miss once or twice a week and walk to work (I know it's raining. Swap from white bread to wholemeal and eat less of it, cut down on the booze, eat smaller portions.
Everyone can do something to limit their chances of getting this disease, and they should, because once you have it is yours. Don't wait for a doctor to tell you that you've got to start eating right and exercising to control your diabetes, do it before you need a doctor, do it before diabetes take a foot hold.
It's the greatest service you'll ever give yourself.


  1. Anonymous11:44 a.m.

    Morning neighbour, I whole heartedly agree with you but the ideals of healthy living / eating you expressed there is more or less that “perfect balance” that everybody keeps harping on about and that everybody is aspiring to.. You have achieved a good balance probably because you have great will power or fortitude or both, but the vast majority of joe soapers either can’t get motivated, don’t know what approach to take or simply haven’t got the time. For people who have to commute and have kids for example how they have time to pee is astonishing!

  2. Anonymous11:56 a.m.

    'Tough love', indeed!

    Paramour better watch out, if an uncle has a diagnosis then there may be a genetic predisposition. And even the footie might not keep it at bay.

  3. IMorning Toots. It's got nowt to do with will power and everything to do with commitment.
    Look, I know when folk have small kids they're run ragged, and I agree that time is a commodity, but your health shouldn't be the one thing you skimp on. And diabetes will rob plenty of time from a person's life, I know which on I'd rather dance with.
    There's no trick to getting motivated either. I'm not feeling particularly motivated this morning, but I'm still going to go to the gym in about an hours time.

    (commuting is the devil's smegma)

  4. Tell me about it Conan. He came running with me yesterday, boy does he NOT like running. He says running after a ball is fine, running for no reason, not so much.

  5. Anonymous12:04 p.m.

    you'd know i am a comuter well kinda 30mins to work compared to my previous 5 (Don't give out to me now i jog everymoring and eat healthy i swear i do), but some people or of a much different mindset does that make them bad? and your time is pretty much your own, how do you think you'd fair off if you had to ramble in to the office everyday?

  6. Of course it doesn't make them 'bad.' I never said it did. If I had to ramble into work everyday I'd consider it part of my daily cardio, and I probably wouldn't ramble I'd probably do it very briskly.
    Really, I get what you're saying, nobody's perfect. I used to smoke like a chimney and I like to drink. But when I hit 30 I made a few lifestyle changes of my own, and one of the first things to go were the fags and I then started to take a great interest in my health. It didn't happen overnight, but then positive changes never do.
    Change is hard, and not changing is easier, and everyone's got to do what they've got to do at the end of the day.
    Either way you look at it, the Indo report makes very for very depressing reading

  7. Anonymous12:35 p.m.

    Point taken on a lighter note I am a big fan of blogs yours in particular, this jogging business we seem to have started of much the same however I can jog/run 7ish miles in 1h 15mins but anything more and I’m on my knees (quite literally and on more that one occasion, embarrassing when it happen in the Phoenix park, people point and laugh). Any suggestions how do you get past this?

    Feel free to tell me to fuck off as its not relevant to your post

  8. There's a lot of wisdom in what you say, CAt. It's those small changes that people can make that make a big difference. The switch from white bread to whole grain, for example. Getting off the bus a stop or two early, and walking some of the way. Taking a short walk after dinner (bring the kids and the dog!). LOOK at the ingredients in the food in the supermarket and buy the one with less sodium, sugar, etc.

    Small changes like this are a lot easier than big, scary ones that need more self discipline, but they work!

    No one's expecting busy, tired people to make wholesale changes overnight. But a few small things to help prevent a dreadful disease? Common sense.

  9. weight loss and exercise, two relatively simple life style changes

    You see this is where I think the misunderstanding arises. Weight loss is anything but a relatively simple lifestyle change.

    If it was relatively simple, 95% of people who diet wouldn't put it all back on.

    Those for whom food is not a form of self-medication might be able to make the changes if they're given the right information and have a reasonable desire to do so.

    But for those who use food for more than just fuel, much deeper issues need to be addressed before there is any hope of success.

    Compare it to alcoholism. Plenty of people can have a drink, occasionally binge, but go time without it and it's not a problem. But for some, alcohol is a real problem. Many will deny it, many more will not even realise they have a problem with it, but very few will be able to deal with it completely on their own. And no alcoholic ever changed their behaviour because someone nagged them to.

    They have to want to change, they have to have a very powerful motivation to change and even then, most of them will need long term help and support to change.

    The way an alcoholic ultimately deals with his or her addiction is to refrain from going near it. It is understood that to have one drink will lead to more.

    But with food, you can't just not eat. You have to eat to survive and there are supermarkets full of food and wrapping, targetting your brain with some of the most sophisticated marketing strategies on the planet.

    And most people aren't even aware of how manipulated by the food and diet industries they are.

    Weight loss for many people is anything but relatively simple. It is as complex and difficult as an alcoholic or drug addict making changes. Unless the underlying causes are looked at and dealt with along the way, any result will only ever be temporary.

  10. Nony mouse, my long run is now at 20K and I'm supposed to be upping that by 1 or 2 k later this week, lungs and thighs willing.
    The only way I managed to get to that length is by using a Finn inspired training thingiemebob. Basically I use a shorter run, say about 6K and break it up into two different speeds, so say I start off a slower pace for one K and then pick it up for the second, then drop right back for the third and up again for the forth and so on. The runnery types call it fartlek and as nutty as it sounds it seems to work wonders, because a few weeks after panting through it a few times I began to get stronger in the distance runs and less gaspy.
    I also cut out the mid distance runs during the week and now limit myself to shorter runs of about 5/6 k most days and save the longer run for once a week, saves on the limbs and joints, oh and I'm doing more road running these day, less on the threadmill, although I use gym for the fartlek.
    Hope this helps. I still have the occasional crap run, but they are less and less frequent.

    Andraste, you're right, but I'm I"m still laughing @ 6.

  11. Kim, I'm not talking about folk who go on a diet, I'm against diets, I always have been, I don't think they're sustainable.
    And I'm talking here about people whose weight is creeping up due to sedentary behaviour and poor eating choices, I'm talking about taking stock BEFORE you gain a large amount of weight and run the risk of diabetes.

  12. Anonymous1:03 p.m.

    Sorry i know i'm harassing you know but do you do a lot of other workouts to compliment your running? I do a bit of hillwalking and rockclimbing (don't tell anyone it will bring great shame to my circle of friends and none of us will get married and we'll be all left on the shelf with only each other and and a full bar for company) and venture to the gym 2 or 3 times a week

  13. I think there is a general mentality of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" in the human population. The problem is that most people don't realise that by the time it's broken the damage is done. If the healthy eating message had access to the marketing budgets of the fast food industry then we'd see a far greater change in the population at large

  14. Anonymous1:23 p.m.

    Well thats the plan for this evening out the window, pints and a tub of Vanilla Haggen Daz. I had stopped the walking after the last bomb but started again, lasts night was a killer as the temp was still high 20's. I do an 8 k walk which includes one k of a hill. Now while its hard its still only 70mins out of your day and it makes you feel better and less guilty about drinking.

    Everyone can make the time but its not wasy because if it was easy well it wouldn't be good for us.

  15. Anonymous2:08 p.m.

    Btw, be careful... you may beat T2diabetes but the gout might still get you.

  16. Sound advice, Fat Mammy Cat. Very simple really. Eat less, exercise more. Soda is the worst source of empty calories and the diet brands are toxic. I heard a couple talking at the market in the soda aisle, the woman saying "fine, then we'll give them the brain tumor." I laughed and started chatting about how bad it was but their guests would only expect it. Blech.

  17. Kim and Machawt, never truer words were spoken.
    Conan, if I get gout I will stroke my bead and start eating cavier by the bucket.
    Medbh, I got a bit of a gonk recently when I read how bad aspartame was. I was never a huge soda drinker anyway, but I do use it as a mixer. mmmmdeliciousmixerandrum.

    Nonny Mouse. Free weights. I'm a great believer.

    Here's a link to the greatest fitness ( I think! I think!) site I've ever had the pleasure to read daily.

    read this for a few days, it gives examples of all the exercises and a WOD. It's awesome.

  18. Anonymous3:38 p.m.

    Yeah, and lots of 'em use aspartame AND saccharin. Sick stuff. The gout can start surprisingly early - a little pain/tenderness on the joints of yer big toe is the classic warning sign. Next thing you've got swelling and people making PG Wodehouse jokes.

  19. Anonymous3:46 p.m.

    I was contemplating the whole rambling to work thing to utilise my time, now given that I have to travel via the Naas road and there is no footpath this may pose a difficulty. I could staple a sign to my back saying "Go around, Go around I said", then I could put one on my chest saying "ah fuck off" for when the beeping becomes to much an I eventually have to turn around or I could undertake endurance running and run up the opposite side of the road dodging the oncoming traffic. Hmmm I think I’ll sleep on it, there may well be a more impressive headline fronting the Indo in the morning!

    The website is great as was the advise I will be testing it out this evening in the Phoenix park. Thank you very much for your assistance sweetie!

  20. I'm one of those people with a job and kids etc. It's all a matter of organisation. I cycle to work a few days a week, (14 miles each way). It's a lot easier than you think. I highly recommend Yoga, particularly Power Yoga. I used my lunch times for that, ( I am lucky we have small gym at work). 45 minutes to an hour, and it's a serious work out, heart pumping stuff. Major muscle benefits too, as you are using your own body weight for resistance. Rodney Yees videos are excellent, http://rodneyyeeyogastore.com/yogadvds.html

    That said I am suffering from a torn meniscus from not paying attention while doing Yoga :)

  21. You're completely correct about both, it's organisation and it's also so bloody easy to not pay attention sometimes, as anyone who has ever fallen, got knocked out or crashed their bike will attest to. One minute you're dandy, next you're admiring the ceiling/sky wondering where the music is coming from.

  22. i work with some sedentary folk for whom the classic rationale against exercise is, i don't have time. you'd understand if you had kids.

    i never know how to respond to this, so john mc thanks for weighing in to testify it's possible to fit everything in. i hope your meniscus heals easily.

  23. OK fair enough, good points FMC, BUT a word of caution from my own experience.
    1. Diabetes is often missed by the famous fasting blood test.
    2. At least three family members of mine have / had diabetes. One was diagnosed after about 6 fasting blood tests over five years. One was diagnosed by accident while doing a research study for his GP. One was diagnosed after death.
    3. All three of my diabetic relatives are / were extremely fit, healthy (we thought) and trim.

  24. That's true Mairéad, but more the exception than the rule.

  25. Anonymous9:19 p.m.

    At some point in their lives, some people will realize how important exercise and healthy diet is. Most people just take it for granted - with dire consequences. People do really have to get some motivation in order to live healthy. Like having diabetes. That, is probably one of the mysteries of the human mind that we can't fully comprehend.

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