Friday, October 10, 2008

Happy Ginger Day Crazies!

Roll up Roll up. Come see the wannabe Ginger. Yep, as you can see here not everyone is lucky enough to be born ginger. Or have teeth. But his priorities are in the right place. He decided to hell with teeth, I will BE a ginger by hook or by crook. Can't argue with that. Admit it, you'd tally his banana good and proper.
I had McDonalds today for the first time in three years. That in itself is hardly that interesting, but the crazies that loop de loop around McDonalds are.
'Can I take your order?' Pleasant girl behind counter says to chap to my left who promptly moonwalks to the next cashier and then to the next before twirling twirling always twirling back to the original girl. She never batted an eyelid.

Chap to my right.
'Can I take your order.'
'WHERE ARE YOU FROM?' shrieks he.
And instead of jabbing her fingers into his eyes, yanking out his eyeballs and deep frying them, this girl smiled sweetly and said, 'yes, may I take your order?'

'Fucking crazies in here' I said to the paramour.
'Big Macs aren't really as big as I remember them.' said he.
Quite. But it was yummy.


  1. You've outdone yourself.

    Only the freak with arm socks can compete with this.

  2. I would pay TOP funds to see them both fighting in a cage.

  3. Anonymous3:15 p.m.

    Why is it wearing a bikini undeneath it's t-shirt? Infact that's probably the least pressing of my questions...

    It looks like a crimewatch photofit gone horribly wrong.

  4. Anonymous3:16 p.m.

    Is it a genuine picasso?

    Ok, I'll stop now.

  5. I would hope he's wearing a bikini because he's about to embark in some jello and oil wrestling with gingersocks. Mmmmgingersocks.

  6. Anonymous4:14 p.m.

    Most excellent!
    I want to stick a carrot in his mouth to complete the picture

  7. Anonymous4:59 p.m.

    Have a good weekend folks - no beer for me this weekend so some one of yous will have to drink doubles.

  8. Anonymous5:57 p.m.

    Friday... I should know better!

  9. hah Conan, you know you love it.
    Have a nice weekend Sheepie, no beer? Me neither. Boo.
    Eva, are you saying you see that fine specimen and think of root vegetables? Hmmm.

  10. Ew!
    The arm socks!
    This freak pales in comparison to arm socks dude.

  11. grrrrrr I had a call transfered to me at work the other day....."Oh good you speak english not like that stupid bloody foreigner a moment ago." says she.

    I froze for a mo then just hung up......bastard

  12. Jesus, how rude. I wonder how many languages your caller spoke?
