Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Caught Red Handed? So What?

David Keegan arrived and found his house ransacked and the property missing. He told gardai, who searched the accused's car.

Their son Aaron "protested" and most of the property was found under a rug under his seat. One of the two cameras was in a pocket on the driver's door. The accused initially claimed the camera was theirs, but pictures of Mr Keegan's girlfriend's cat were found on it.

I hate thieves, I really do. Burglars are the scum of the Earth. I honestly don't know what I'd do if I caught someone breaking into my home, but I suspect there would be skin and teeth flying, even if I came off the worst of it.
The problem with most burglaries is you never catch the fuckers. You come home and bam, your home has been ransacked or someone has been in snooping around your property and long gone. Horrible, frightening upsetting feeling.
It's therefore really amazing to read that when caught RED BLOODY HANDED, a judge would let an entire family of thieves off scott free. Even with the evidence on them, even though their lies were so obvious. What kind of message does it send out? Why carry on of course. The law is an ass.



  1. My mate was broken into a week after she bought her new home. The guards were called, inspected point of entry, shrugged towards the neighbouring halting site, and said, "There's your burglars, but sure there's no point investigating, half them kids are up on other charges already anyway and they don't give a shite. Get an alarm."

  2. Fuckers, I bet she was absolutely gutted. Did they take much?
    I came back the other weekend to find someone had shoved one of my bins up against the side gate-obviously to climb over. Luckily there's a padlock on that gate or it would be very easy to come in and out.

  3. They didn't take anything... they'd only been looking for money. I think that's as bad, in a way... the fact that they destroyed her home, and her security in it, for nothing at all.

    I have two large dogs in my back garden. They're the best alarms in the world, they are.

  4. I want a velociraptor.

  5. Dogs are a brilliant detterent, more hassle that it's worth for the wannabe thief. Yep, I can imagine how your friend felt, your home is supposed to be your castle, the one place you can relax and feel safe. The idea of someone in snooping ahout is very unsettling.
    Twenty, failing that an electrified moat might be in order.

  6. Anonymous12:08 p.m.

    They may do time yet, but think of ther cost of taking the kids into care.

    The wheelie bin is the burglar's pal. I think we've been over this territory before. I was burgled / ransacked in the burbs a few years back. Arrived home on the bike at 4am to total devastation. They found nothing worth taking.

    Now, in the back of beyonds, any of the fellas stopping to offer power tools or "a bit of carpet" from their unmarked vans look at the dogs and say, "Jayz, dem's vicous-looking dogs." And I say, "Yes, they nearly got the Sky installer last year."

  7. It's pretty horrible to steal from your family.

  8. It is Pat, and bad to blame a child for his thieveing ways when you're the one teaching him to do it in the first place.

    Conan, you do need security when you're in an isolated place for sure. Look at that poor woman raped last year by fellows going around 'selling a bit of Jewellery'. Fuckers came back, barged their way into her home and raped her with her baby next door. Maybe if that poor woman had a few vicious looking dogs about the place it might have made them think twice.

  9. What kind of a mother calls her son a "lunatic" and shifts the blame when you know she had him go in there and steal everything?

  10. The kind who has the victim card on hand for EVERY eventuality.

  11. Anonymous6:37 p.m.

    They blamed their son?

    The fact that they even took him along on a burglary probably makes them beyond all help when it comes to raising their kids, but to actually blame him as well?

    The poor wee kid hasn't the scrap of a chance with parents like that.

  12. Well, he has a chance at becoming a career criminal. Seriously, this was one they were caught on, how many other times do you think they used the kids to steal? I guessing plenty.

  13. Anonymous10:30 p.m.

    Those fucking Romanians

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