or plague, I'm not sure which, but I am feeling rather rotten. After spending yesterday watching football and yelling I now have a sore throat, ear ache and am slightly sniffly. A cold? Maybe, like Samson, the four inches!! that woman chopped off my hair on Friday has rendered me weak and open to illness.
Actually I don't mind feeling a litte ill. I intend to spend the day not working and perhaps watching old movies. Like 'As Good As It Gets.' That's a few years old.
Oh, because I have discovered a whole other world recently of Hollyweird, I feel it is my duty to share this new found culture. So every day I shall be offering up a piece of Hollyweird tat for your enjoyment.
Hollyweird tat- Congrats to Gwyneth Palthrow, Chris Coldplay and cute Apple unfortunately named baby, who have welcomed a little boy into their family this weekend. I think she was going to call him Mortimor.
Paltrow and Johnny Coldplay can go fuck themselves, the fucking cunts.
ReplyDeleteGood morning Twenty, recovered I see, back to your usual sparkling self.
ReplyDeleteI am effervescent, thank you, FMC.
ReplyDeleteI am also sniffly and have a sore throat from spending yesterday recovering from my unfortunate brush with running, drinking beer and cider and watching baseball. That quarter mile dredged up something in my lungs that...let's say HP Lovecraft could have used it for inspiration.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who even considers naming their child a piece of fruit should be sterilized.
- Sterlized
ReplyDelete+ Shot in the face with a cannon
Agreed. Out of the gene pool, any rate.
ReplyDeleteHow do we feel about people who name their kids after numbers or job titles? say Seven and Pilot Inspector?
ReplyDeleteThey should be killed. Isn't it obvious?
ReplyDeleteI can't think of anything more appropriate than naming people after what they eat. For most humans that would be "Burger" or "Smarty" rather than "Apple".
ReplyDeleteThey called the little cunt 'Moses'.
ReplyDeleteFuck's sake - what a pair of cretinous cunts.
Twenty, they named their first child Apple, I think they showed marvelous restraint with Moses.
ReplyDeleteI was going to make a joke about 'Cabbage' but then thought better of it.
ReplyDeleteEveryone wants to stand out so much these days. Moses? What's wrong with a nice Murdo or Michael or Mark? These names have their own characteristics associated with them that are usually things like, 'stability', or 'good with a spade' or 'has nice hair' but hardly ever 'led God's chosen people out of bondage in Egypt'. My granny is very wise and she claims she's never met a Mark that didn't have nice hair.
ReplyDeleteStrange that, I've never met a 'Tanya' I liked, ever.
ReplyDeleteApparently, my parents wanted to christen me 'Rhubarb McCrumble' It was only the timly intervention of my maternal grandmother that saved the day. If I had been born a girl they would have used 'Ruby' instead. The twins have various nicknames around the theme of crumble puddings. Rather disturbingly, one of them is persistently referred to as 'Fruit'
ReplyDeleteHave I already told you of the couple who named their sprog Depressed Cupboard Cheesecake? Now THAT is truly fucked up....
ReplyDeleteNow, FMC... when you mentioned people who name their kids after numbers it did get me wondering about Twenty...?
Yeah, but you're not looking at the upside, people: they can call him their little prophet... just the thought of it makes me want to vomit...
ReplyDeleteMy first child will be named "you-better-get-the-fuck-out-there-and-get-a-job-sunny-jim-those-toys-diapers-and-mommy's-pills-and-therapy-weren't-free."
ReplyDeleteuuummmm rhubarb crumble, with custard,,,mmmmmm.
ReplyDeleteApple is sweet (!) - lots a nice lovetalk - my little golden delicious, apple of my eye...it'll be so easy for the teenage boyfriends. Much better than some of the silly love names used the Valentine's day newspaper messages!
ReplyDeleteNana luvs Diddicums!