Friday, November 02, 2007

Exercise can make you fat...apparently.

Oh for the love of....

from the Independent. A new discovery.

I saw this whole article somewhere else the other day (word for word actually, Indo, are you just cutting and pasting these days or what?)and chose to ignore it as cookamammie poppycockery, but this is the second time I've seen it so I feel I ought to comment on it.
If you go to the gym/exercise five days a week, burn roughly say 400-500 calories in a session, wander home and then proceed-because your hungry- to eat a meal consisting of 600 calories, will you lose weight?
Erm, no. You won't.
If you go to the gym/exercise five days a week, and burn 400-500 calories a session, then wonder home and eat-because you're hungry- a light meal of say 300 calories, will you lose weight?
Depending on the rest of your 'diet' I'd say you have a better chance of it.
Now,if you don't go to the gym/exercise ever and eat more calories every day than your body requires, will you put on weight?
I'm going to go with yes here.
If you never go to the gym/exercise and eat just enough food to keep your body ticking over, will you put on weight?
Probably not. You might not lose any either, but there you go.
If you go to the gym/exercise, don't lose weight, but work out, are you getting fitter?
Is getting fitter good for your heart, lungs, blood pressure, all round health?
Will this stupid bloody article have many folk across the land today going, 'See! It's not just me, I never lose weight, see, it's genetic, why would I join a gym/exercise if I'm not going to ever lose weight?'

Here's a radical thought. Going to the gym/exercise is NOT just about weight!

However, if folk are really serious about losing weight, exercise COMBINED with an over haul of eating habits can make a person fitter and slimmer. I'm not saying they turn into swimwear models either, but if a person is serious about it they can do it. Articles like this act as a salve for the lazy. You can be sure my mother is somewhere reading this, eating a slice of toast with a inch of butter on it, nodding along to...

'Another factor never explained was why some people were just fat no matter how much exercise they undertook, while others remained thin as whippets.

"They are people whose bodies are programmed to send the calories they consume to the muscles to be burned, rather than to the fat tissue to be stored,"

Programmed eh? Well then, how convenient that our weight and our health is out of our own hands.



  1. Bollox, indeed Fmc.

    I hit 25, gave up the fags, ate more and you'll never guess what happened! I got fat! So I started exercising. Again, you're going to be shocked by what this lead to...I lost weight.

    Yes, some people store fat more easily than others. Yes, different types of calories are more likely to be stored as fat. But these are minor considerations beside the big one: use more calories than you consume = fat loss. Consume more than you use = fat fucker.

    As a headline 'Exercise; does it make you fat?' is about as helpful as 'Punching random strangers in the face; does it make you popular?'

  2. exercise turns you into a mentalist too.
    issa fuckin fat.

    *FACT. fact.

  3. I go to the gym and play football about 4-5 times a week and it makes me eat like the great big agricultural mucksavage that I am. The more I exercise, the hungrier I get and the more I eat.

    It has always been thus and thus it shall remain. I will be fit, but I might also be a bit fat.

  4. Anonymous12:04 p.m.

    At a guess, the journalist who wrote this is probably overweight.......! This kind of article is manna to the lazy obese. It's sooo much more convenient to believe it's not your fault - you're just a victim...of genetics....your glands, your slow metabolism, your uncontrollable hand just keeps shoving food into your mouth, that naughty fridge keeps beckoning you over! I do think there is a book there....somebody should write a book of excuses for fatties. Could be a best seller!

  5. Anonymous12:05 p.m.

    Ooooh, has your mother read the Indo article yet?

  6. are you sure this wasn't a research article from that states? for surely we're the fattest of the fattest, and deplore all forms of exercise in favour of stuffing our faces with highly processed food.


    i work out. regularly. and i don't worry about my weight. if i have a goal, it's more likely to be fitting into a smaller jean size. if i gain weight because i gain muscle mass, then i'm all for it!

    you're right fmc. it's all about getting fitter, feeling better, and not being a whiny snot.

  7. Anonymous12:44 p.m.

    It's the independent... forget about it.

  8. "an inch of butter" Hah!
    Yes, FMC, total salve for the lazy. People seem to forget that weight does not connote health. You can be a skinny bitch and be faint from lack of food which taxes your heart or you can be plump and healthy.
    Going to the gym has psychological benefits as well in preventing depression and the mood swings you get from being a slug.

  9. Let them eat cake. Losing weight is not a mystery but people seem determined to make a Miss Marple out of it. Deep down they know what they have to do.

    It's just annoying as hell to have to listen to the details (I've heard practically meal by blow accounts of some failed diets - usually called something like The Crisp and Beer Diet) of dozens of the diets they've tried that oddly enough failed.

    So let them eat cake.

  10. Anonymous2:43 p.m.

    Medbh - Isn't "plump and healthy" a bit of an oxymoron?

  11. Anonymous2:53 p.m.

    Ah leave them, why should the tubbie tubs be made to feel so guilty all of the time, it’s a form of bullying really. They'll probably hang that article on their fridge. I’m all for a healthy lifestyle but we all have our vices, anyone that says they don’t is a liar, theirs just happens to be food. I eat my own weight in chocolate everyday, yep it’s bad but sure as they say in France fuck it, no point in crying about it!

  12. Anonymous2:58 p.m.

    Oh and Jimmy you are not a bit fat.

  13. Anonymous3:03 p.m.

    Nonny - every time I fly on my own the check in staff seem to put a fat fucker in the seat next to me, and they have half their gross body all over me - legs akimbo taking up part of my floor space, and fat arms over the seat rest. When food is served its elbows in your face time. And one time, a guy asked if he could have my uneaten bread roll and yoghurt! I said yes, of course! He might have smothered me otherwise! And the fuckers always want to talk! Usually about food! LOL!

  14. I don't want a fat bashing friday on my hands, but exercise in and of itself is good for you, whether your nine stone nothing or eighteen stone something, and suggesting to folk the might get fatter if they do exercise- as Gimmie quite rightly nailed it- is very fucking unhelpful indeed.
    No, you will get heavier if you EAT more, not if you exercise more.

    Now, on an entirely different note, or perhaps not, Dakota (pub) on South William Street have a sea food chowder on their menu that is very very very good indeed. Unusual recipe, I asked the waitress and she confirmed it is new. But golly, it is good. I had it for lunch today. Anyone who likes that kind of thing could do a whole lot worse than trying it out and at €8:95 it doesn't exactly break the bank, roll and butter included.

  15. Anonymous3:24 p.m.

    Shebah, Ha Ha, I can’t complain about other people on the plane as the last long haul flight I was on I woke face down on the guy next to me, there was a big pile of my (I think…I hope ) drool on his crotch. I’m quite small myself but I remember going to a weight watchers meeting with my friend last year or so the lady put me on the scales to embarrass me, she pointed and shouted “This is our target” they all laughed so naturally I just sat down and had a bar of chocolate I wouldn’t lower myself to their level.

    FMC do you think they'd let my cat in? (He is exactly like that cat in your picture except his hat is pink but he carries a tiger teddy)

  16. Anonymous3:47 p.m.

    a health and safety officer once advised me to give up running, because I MIGHT suffer back problems in the future. I ignored him ever since

  17. Quite right too. Honest to fucking marmalade , that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Had he even examined your back before his profound declaration?

  18. Anonymous4:15 p.m.

    no, in his opinion smoking can do damage to your lungs and running can do damage to the spine. He was a clever Dick

  19. So it seems. I had someone tell me a few weeks before the marathon, 'you don't want to push yourself too hard now. If you get tired don't be afraid to stop, it's the taking part that counts.'
    Er, it's a marathon. And it's the running over the finishing line that I thought counted.

  20. Anonymous7:34 p.m.

    I recently went through a somewhat unexplained weight loss with even my Dad saying things like "you are too skinny" (I am SO not too skinny) then I thought about it a bit and realised it has been since I "broke up" with a friend of mine, see, she has a penchant for getting trashed all the time, so I used to join her, I realised that I hadn't been drunk in a month, and had managed to lose lots of weight even though I had barely excercised due to an injury, hopefully my arse will come back soon!!

  21. Anonymous11:58 p.m.

    The one and only time I ever went to the gym reularly - 3-4 times a week - I gained 2 stones.
    That really pissed me off. This was in Dublin, funnily enough.
    I will never become a member of a gym again, ever again.
    Yeah, I know the reasons why; I lived an excessive lifestyle.
    Having said that, I lived the same lifestyle for 30 odd years, and I hate the fact that now all of a sudden I have to watch what I'm eating!?
    But yeah, I have no choice...
    So I'm ugly, fat and f*cked up.
    Your story?
    You've always been slender and fit and successful?

  22. I can put on weight at the drop of a hat if I want. I think once you go over 30 anyone can. But I'm very active so I keep my weight in check, plus since I got interested in running I've had to add more carbs to my diet, but not more calories, so I'm careful about what I eat. I have to say I almost never eat heavily processed food and apart from a fat cat family love of jellies, I don't have a sweet tooth either.
    I would be very slender indeed if I stopped drinking. Someone once described hooch to me as 'fat in a glass' and I would agree with that, delicious fat in a glass.

  23. Anonymous4:49 p.m.

    It's not that I don't like to get drunk, in fact I am going to go out tonight and get VERY drunk, but I just hadn't been in a month. It is fat in a glass, but I was having too much fat in a glass, and when I am drunk I like to eat lots of bags of crisps and bread and sweets thus getting fatter, not that I was really fat, I was a 12, but now I am a 10 for the first time ever, and it's great!

  24. Anonymous3:27 a.m.

    What they didn't mention is that you can re-program your body into burning fat and gaining's called healthy eating and exercise...

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