Friday, November 02, 2007

A ginger puzzlement of sorts.

Well chumlies, another week down and we are ever closer to beer o'clock, or as I like to call it, 'the rumming hour.'
I have plans tonight, all sort of crazy 'I'm not in training for a god damn thing' plans. But before I get all googly eyed at the thoughts of it, a question.
Why is Danny always semi-or indeed fully- naked in public?


  1. Anonymous4:11 p.m.

    That would be because he wants to be taken seriously as an artist.

  2. I....seeee. sort of like how going topless on Vanity Fair's cover means you're a truly awe-inspiring actress.

  3. Anonymous6:33 p.m.

    My theory is that he was such a chubby little kid (does anyone remember watching The Partridge Family?) that he's making up for it now.

    I'll tell you what - he's not my favorite to look at, but I'll take ANYTHING over that scary Carrot Top dude. Thanks for going easy on the eyeballs today, FMC.

    By the way - how's the foot?

  4. Much better Dahling, thanks for asking, still a bit sore when I'm walking on concrete, but MUCH better than tuesday.

  5. Anonymous8:23 p.m.

    Icccccckkkk.That guys just gives me the shits. He makes Britney look like a great ad for child fame.

  6. What's up with the Mr. Spock eyebrows? It that an eyelift gone awry?
    Cover up already.

  7. Oh, the crush I had on him when I was 7.

    Now? Yikes. Horrorshow. But I agree...better than that carrottop virus.

    Happy Friday, MammyCatoflargeproportion.

    Work is ending in...3...2...1...

    Logging off and going to the baaaaarrrrrr.

  8. Anonymous11:32 p.m.

    My question is: has he shaved his chest?
    I think he has.
    And shaved chests for me is:
    Take it away. Before I go blind and sterile, please.

  9. Well that doesn't help with the help at all.....

  10. Andraste, can you be serious? And I though fancying Cliff Richard as an under-10 was weird.

  11. Sam, it's true. Not the current specimen, but the chubby little ginger chap in the Partridge Family.

    I have always had a soft spot for red-headed boys. That Weasley kid...I could eat him up. In a safe, chaste, motherly way, of course.

