Thursday, October 02, 2008

Sharon Stone is mad as a box of badgers.

Sharon Stone, she of the chinese Karma and eager beaver, has reportedly lost custody of her eldest son. One of the MANY weird quirks of Sharon's version of being a good mother was suggesting her son get his feet botoxed to prevent them from getting sweaty and then ponging up a bit. Yep, she actually wanted to inject an eight year old boys' feet with botulism to depongify them. Wonder what plan she had for skidmark prevention? I would like to point out that I believe she also has green eyes, and I have a theory about people with green eyes.


  1. oooh do tell your theory about people with green eyes! myself and the fiancee are both green-eyed!!

  2. Anonymous8:59 p.m.

    Poor Shazza, she's losing the grip.

  3. Anonymous9:00 p.m.

    Ah here! We're not crazy! I've green eyes and I'm perfectly sane.

    My sister now, she also has green eyes, and she's a loon.

    But I'm not, is what I'm saying.

    Just to be clear.

  4. Anonymous9:05 p.m.

    so according to your theory FMC, if my eyes are green & brown hazel it means I'm only partially crazy eh?

    I've heard of starlets getting their armpits shot up with botox to prevent sweat stains, which seems rather extreme to me, but doing it to a child is doubly so!

  5. Anonymous10:38 p.m.

    That woman is bat-shit crazy. Did you hear that she gets exactly ONE day a month visitation with her son? How's THAT for mothering skills, for ya?

  6. Green/brown eyes are what the paramour has, he's just mildly eccentric, the warming brown balances out the crazy. People with REAL green eyes are- in my totes unbiased opinion- are stark raving bonkers. Did I ever mention my mother has really sparkly green eye? I didn't? Well she has, and bat shit insane doesn't even begin to cover it. Also see Courtney Love. And Karen's sister too. HAH!

    Oh Sharon, so nutty, so odd, so green eyed.

  7. I think in the dictionary under Batshit Insane Celebrities it says 'see Sharon Stone,Brittney circa 2007, Anna Nicole Smith pre 2007...'

    And the list would just go on and on and on.

  8. but wouldn't you just love to be that bonkers......just for a wee while.....

  9. It would be a helluva list to compile, LK, Bjork, Matthew McTrexarms, Ozzy, Anne Heche... Actually that might be fun.

    Christ no, Manuel, if you wobbled that far over the line you might never come back.

  10. Anonymous9:07 a.m.

    Is this a real live biological kiddywinkle or one of those celebrity adoption kiddiewinkles?

    If it's a real live one, she must have had major reconstructive surgery done on her fanny afterwards, considering it's her primary asset it would be woth it don't you think.
    Yep, nothing like those botox lips.....

  11. Adopted I believe. She has three adopted children.

  12. Remember the stellar advice she gave to young girls about how they should give blow jobs to get out of sex when they aren't interested?

  13. Well she's Sharon Stone, not Fay Weldon, oh no wait...

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