Happy Ginger day Chumlies!

Oooh, I nearly forgot, happy ginger day chumlies. (Amanda here was originally ginger, I can just tell) I must away to an office type party type thingie type in a scant two to three hours. How utterly ghastly, lots of standing around going 'and what do YOU do?' sort of thing. It has been two solid years since I went to this crowd's bash, and then I was pinned in the corner by an 'AC-TOR' who proceeded to tell me every single play and advert he had ever been in. It was shocking, not even Aries himself has such a battle to extract himself from a monologue war.
Labels: the week she ended.
Its gonna eat me!
Jesus. Truly the internet is full of horrors.
Truly it is GINGERDAY!
give us a hint. male or female
Its eyes are following me around the room...
Well I like it!
mmmmmamanda likes you so...
Actually, no.. no I don't like it at all.
In fact, I think it was following me around in a dream the other night - a good dream it was not!
If that thing needed a blood transfusion I'd convert it to Jehovah's Witness.
With your mickey? Right?
Ha! What a comeback! *throws ring*
Oh my.
Was the AC-TOR someone we know, someone famous? Go on - some scandal would be good...
Enjoy the office party!
I was rear-ended yesterday by Bill Paxton's wife. We got shunted into the SUV in front of us, and between that and Paxton's SUV behind us, our wee Prius was well and truly bashed up. The girls were in the car but were strapped in car seats; me and my dad got our heads well and truly thumped on the head-rests but noone was really hurt. She (Louise - an Englisher) was OK until she saw the girls in the back and then she went all to shaky pieces and called her husband. He was lovely. I think I fancy him. I'm very easily impressed, but he was very very nice. He said hello to the girls who asked if his wife would have to go to jail for banging into us.
I had an enormous spot.
The picture, not Sam's accident. Sorry to hear about it. Bill Paxton - he's the one who presents University Challenge, isn't he?
Suddenly I feel a shitload better about my thighs.
Have Madame Tussards filed a missing persons report yet?
Car crashes with celebrities? How very hollywood of you miss Sam. I'm very glad none of you were badly hurt. Is the prius a write off?
Her boobs make Posh's look positively natural.
I'm dying to know who the actor was, FMC.
Sam, great news that only the car is banged up. Your daughter is hilarious.
Paxton's cute but I really cringe at his show "Big Love." Is his character trying to get his 4th wife by now? Polygamy is creepy.
WOW! What possessed her to wear THAT!?? Yowsers.
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