A question of sense.

Sometimes you just have to question what makes folk tick. Then you find yourself questioning what makes them think letting someone photo them while they're ticking is a good idea. Then you find yourself trying NOT to think about ticking.
Yes. That seems to be best.
Kisses to Michael.
Labels: Well woof woof I say.
Yeah, best not asking those questions...
I totally agree FMC that photo makes absolutely no sense at all. I mean honestly - who the hell would buy that pattern of sofa when their walls are THAT colour?
Jl, Oh snap! I WAS thinking that.
Sheepie, some things are best left alone. I do like the dog's expression though.
This is clearly a cry for help. If ever a dog's expression said "Get me away from this lunatic! Please, for the love of Snoopy, help me!" it's that dog's.
FMC. It's Monday morning - why did you do this on a Monday? We're not able for it.
just. not. able.
See, that sofa and that little pencil moustache - they make perfect sense together.
At least that sofa pattern will hide any skidmarks.
If he was really trying to replicate the dog's experience here, wouldn't he replicate his posture as well? Or does he draw the line at putting his junk on display? It's a fine line, and he might as well cross it.
I'm willing to bet this poochy infringement is one of a long list of lines this chap has crossed.
Oh GOD I HATE WORKING. Why am I not a spoiled rich brat, I'd so enjoy it.
That dog needs to be rescued, asap.
The dog has all the dignity that the man lacks.
The dog's 'wrist' is bandaged, I see. I don't want to think about it any more. Make it go away.
Nevah! Suck it up ceebeebeeies. it's a horrible Monday, my work alternately bores me rigid/makes me want to rip my hair from my head/cry so If I must suffer so shall ye all.
LOL. Great pic. He's empathising - sharing his beloved pet's bad experience - love it. Har!
Indeed, look at those doleful eyes. Won't somebody put socks on his hands and throw him a rawhide.
Anything would be better, even Biffo's lips.
Won't somebody please think of the puppy!
I wonder can he out-Wiggam Ralph.
FMC - off topic, but have you seen the Irish movie "Once" I saw it yesterday at a friends house and had to borrow it to view again when I got home. Long time since I've done that. Powerful stuff.
I haven't seen it but I've read about it. You must have been very taken with it.
You had to mention the sock freak.
I HAD to darling, they're practically calling out to each other.
Who did the styling for this shot? Idiot missed giving the guy a red bracelet to match the dog's!
True, but he is begging so well. Clearly naked human men are easy to train.
I thought Freddie Mercury was dead.
I believe no self respecting Freddie would pull this one off. Midgets laden down with tray of coke yes, but this? Nu-uh.
damn it damn it damn it......was gonna do the sofa gag too......
I think he wants his belly tickled.
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