Monday, May 08, 2006
About Me
- Name: fatmammycat
- Location: Ireland
I'm a bouncy, opinionated, messy haired marathon running (!) bibliophile. I wear high heels and have delightful ankles. I'm a devoted drinker. I want a French Bulldog puppy whom I shall call Batman and dress in capes on occasion. I would also like a pug, whom I shall name Mister Woo. He can remain capeless, but I will make sure he wears a diamante collar at all times. Both dogs will submit to repeated snorgling and high pitched squeals that only a dolphin would normally tolerate. I hate Reiki/psychics/mystics/frauds with all my liver. Also, I'm firmly against Jazz and poetry/poems/pomes/ peoms or any of that stuff. I believe in the healing power of ginger.
Previous Posts
- Monday, I'm against it.
- Worst films ever.
- Abortion, sex, duck and cover.
- Shame.
- Working mothers/working sisters.
- Cheating dogs.
- Getting ugly.
- Duke Lacrosse Update.
- Shit, allow me to introduce you to Mrs Fan.
- Asshole central.

probably not,
He obviously is one of those people that believes if you aren't with him you must be against him.
(Which alot of people these days seem to feel, which I do not agree with because you very rarely agree with anyone person on all things all the time.)
He appears to have no room for compromise, or acceptance or even acknowlegment of other peoples views or feelings.
If you don't agree with his views, you are wrong and get outta his life.
I have often enjoyed many of the films he has been in but was it him that made the film so good or the film that made him look good.??
I think the latter.
have a good day.
you know, I'm not that sure....
awful photo, how did mr control freak let that one get away?
Hello Quinn and welcome. I don't think he's a terrible actor, I actually think he has real screen presence, but he seems to be increasingly losing his marbles. First with the Brooke Shields attack and the sofa jumping and the very public outbursts...he is surrounded by yes men/women and deeply involved with-what seems to be- a very cultish religion. I just saw him on tv and I was bantering to another commenter about him earlier, and the maniacal gleam and crazy laugh is simply too disturbing for words.
Good afternoon Plurabella, I loved that photo, there are an increasing number of crazy Tom shots to choose from at the moment. And there does seem to be a bit of a backlash to his antics, MI3 has fallen below what the studio hoped it would take over the weekend as people seem more and more put off by Tom.
hi fatmammycat and thank you for the welcome.
I too didn't like his comment to Brooke Shields. Bravo for her for going public on her experience with post partum depression. She will no doubt have saved many a family by doing so.
There have been some dreadfull cases of woman/families not realizing this illness and innocent children have paid the price with their lives.
The women (dealing a very real illness that they cannot control alone) end up in jail and hated by the public at large.
Perhaps mr. tom could use a little paxil to get all his "pistons" firing properly again.
have a good day.
Oh, I do loathe that little Cruise Troglodyte. I wish he would eat his own face off and fuck off into the sunset.
omg too funny Andraste!!!
I am totally laughing my ass off.
love it , straight to the point no beating around the bush !!!
Thanks for the belly roar.
Yes, it really made me laugh, there was Brooke who had just had her baby and was agonizing over her depression and gave a very brave and personal account of how she actually dealt with the post partum depression, and then along comes Tom, who as far as I know has never been pregnant and isn't a woman, but he can claim to 'know all about it' and then be miffed when he wasn't taken at all seriously. I hope katie- ooops, sorry, Kate Holmes does not suffer any embarrassing break down. The whole be silent during childbirth nonsense was bad enough. I'd hate for her to discover that leaky breasts, sore nipples and weak pervic muscles can't be treated with Vitamin D.
Good evening Andraste, good weekend I hope.
the drudge report calls it the crash of cruise, blaming cruise's gradual public unravelling for the tepid response to MI3.
perhaps travolta can advise.
No, and that's why he's such a damn fine actor. I sense that he fears something. Death, probably.
we were thinking of hiring out our noise band PINK VOID to scientology births, so that the baby couldn't hear a peep from the poor mother.
And did you know that the scientologists took L.Ron Hub out into the middle of the atlantic and bopped him on the head to discard him in the waters because he admitted to them that his theory was bunk? What kind of maniacs would do that to their guru? God help us if it becomes more popular than catholicism...
On a private level he is a complete fruitcake, Mr Kipling would be proud; but I think he is a great actor - I really, really like his movies, and absolutely loved him in Top Gun. If only he would stop giving interviews. In fact that goes for most of our "stars". We don't need to know anything about their private beliefs. It spoils the image.
Exactly Miss Beauty, go back to the days when the studios kept the mystery alive.Stars were fighting and snorting and scewing all over the place and yet nobody knew nowt about it.
Aah he creeps me out really bad! I'm not the only one -- my favorite news guy, Keith Olbermann, has a segment on his show that's called, "Tom Cruise Scares Me" -- couldn't agree more. I'm getting the shivers just thinking about it -- and not even in a good way. Blech!
HI LIndy, I swear, I still haven't watched the whole Oprah clip, I see him going 'Who yeah, I love that woman.' and I have to turn it off, it was so over the top and phoney that my toes curl up.
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