Tuesday, August 01, 2006
About Me
- Name: fatmammycat
- Location: Ireland
I'm a bouncy, opinionated, messy haired marathon running (!) bibliophile. I wear high heels and have delightful ankles. I'm a devoted drinker. I want a French Bulldog puppy whom I shall call Batman and dress in capes on occasion. I would also like a pug, whom I shall name Mister Woo. He can remain capeless, but I will make sure he wears a diamante collar at all times. Both dogs will submit to repeated snorgling and high pitched squeals that only a dolphin would normally tolerate. I hate Reiki/psychics/mystics/frauds with all my liver. Also, I'm firmly against Jazz and poetry/poems/pomes/ peoms or any of that stuff. I believe in the healing power of ginger.
Previous Posts
- Property.
- The passion of Mel Gibson or in vino veritas
- Breasts, once more into the beach..
- Last night...
- I am...
- PC Bollocks, call the breast police!
- And then he went and spoiled it all....
- Andrea Yates
- Contrite-shite
- Raw foods, I'm against it!

'V' for Victory... or vendetta?
Ah, for venereal.
V for velly velly bleach.
I'm in pain just looking at it.
Good old Borat!
My eyes, my eyes!
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