The Spicegirls are reforming

Blondie, Ginger, Eddie, Scary and Barbie spice have decided to reform their girlllll powerrrrr group.
In other news, my nextdoor neighbour has planted some bulbs.
Labels: are they still at that?
Labels: are they still at that?
Wow! I don't believe it! What kind of bulbs?
i believe you can see those bulbs for yourself in the bustier of the lass on the left, primal sneeze.
I only know them by their latin name Sneezy, Plasticus Maximus.
Ta-da, for tomorrow I have found the velly best fight scene every filmed. Ohhhhh, it's a real stonker.
Ah yes, girls. I see them now. That top is like Oprah Winfrey - makes mountains out of molehills.
Jokes aside, most of them look pretty good. Posh could use a meal, though. She looks like a pair of grapes tied to a toothpick.
I really don't get this. I don't get it at all.
It's hard to imagine but at some stage this morning VB looked in the mirror and thought "Fuck, I look gooood." Must be her turn to be Scary Spice now.
That woman really needs to eat something other than icepops and lettuce. She's gaunt.
What the fuck is Ginger wearing? Is that a set of kitchen curtains?
They all look overly matronly except for Vicky who looks like an alien. Her boobs are RIDICULOUS.
Amazing. I had no idea that Sheryl Crow had joined the Spice Girls.
It is a strange time of year to plant bulbs. Was neighbour drunk as a skunk and smoking the herbaceous?
ps Have I missed something, who are these 'spice' girls? Wait, something's coming back to me... yes, didn't Eddie 'Donkey' Murphy have something to do with them? No, no that was Dream Girls, wasn't it?
A little from column A and a little from column B. He is the not so proud papa of Mel B's latest sproglette.
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Eddie! Ha! She must've spent a fortune on counselling over the years and still she comes back for more. Gotta admire the desper.., sorry, determination. As for VB, why oh why do swarthy types insist on going blonde. At best it only ever looks ok, whereas if they went darker they could be devastating. Stupid moos. Anyway, must go and see a man about a life. By the way FMC, loving your work. The Tori Amos post a while back kept me tickled for weeks!
P.S. Is that your cat in the picture? (It took every fibre of my being not to use the obligatory pussy gag there but I'm having a snigger anyway, God help me. It's super cute. Please tell me its' name's Mallow. Or Dopey. Or Rex.
It's an exact replica of the one-eyed one, cept with two eyes.
Of all the gals I think 'ol sporty looks the best. And I never imagined I'd say that before. Nice hair, healthy weight, seems well adjusted. Mep, I'd say take a bow Sporty.
Old Spice, I'd say.
I have a deep and disturbing admission to make, I rather like the smell of Old Spice.
Ohhh the shame!
From left: Rasher Of Bacon and Two Ostrich Eggs Spice, Owl Peering From Under Ivy Bush Spice, Laura Ashley Curtains Spice, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane Spice, and Eddie Murphy Is A Bastard and Has Fathered Mine Spice.
Re: Old Spice - what memories. School assemblies many, many years ago with all the boys smelling of Old Spice and Brut and all the girls smelling of Charlie and Midnight in Paris.
Ha ! Charlie, I remember it well. And Tramp. I remember one of the girls gettig a bottle of Poison and thinking she was the shit with it, but by golly was it ripe.
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