Friday, June 22, 2007
About Me
- Name: fatmammycat
- Location: Ireland
I'm a bouncy, opinionated, messy haired marathon running (!) bibliophile. I wear high heels and have delightful ankles. I'm a devoted drinker. I want a French Bulldog puppy whom I shall call Batman and dress in capes on occasion. I would also like a pug, whom I shall name Mister Woo. He can remain capeless, but I will make sure he wears a diamante collar at all times. Both dogs will submit to repeated snorgling and high pitched squeals that only a dolphin would normally tolerate. I hate Reiki/psychics/mystics/frauds with all my liver. Also, I'm firmly against Jazz and poetry/poems/pomes/ peoms or any of that stuff. I believe in the healing power of ginger.
Previous Posts
- Snail Porn.
- Training for the marathon.
- White Van Drivers. You lot are screwed.
- When dinosaurs stalked the really young earth.
- Tattoos
- Talent, thy name is Paul Potts.
- Sinead O'Connor.
- The Weekend! It's here! Huzzah!
- What's in a name Fuckface?
- The mother of all combinations!

Ha! Beautiful! Tiny bobban Viking helmets rock!
If I'm not back beforehand to say it, have a great time at Crowded House tonight, Miss Cat.
What're you doing in September, by the by? I have a wedding to go to in Dunoon on the 8th and have more or less signed up for the Bock 'n' Devin organised thingy for the 15th. I'm hoping to have a few days in Dublin too. Would you be available for gin and skedaddling about the town on a tour, around about then?
Fo SHURE! I know all the best flop houses, er bars. I can't give poor old Devin a straight answer about the
September gig yet, work for myself see, gotta take and make the dough where it comes in see. But I'm hoping to have a relatively clear deck. However, failing my gettng down south it would be most doodle deep to drag you about for a while. I promise not to have you arrested.
Awwww, that is too cute!
Great!! I can't wait! First round's on me, hun.
This is very exciting indeed. I'm going Amazoning for an Irish guide book, right fookin' now.
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