Fat porn.

I watched, first with amazement, and then with growing horror at a show called Half Ton Mum on Channel 4 last night.
It was a programme about a super morbidly obese lady called Renee Williams-weighing over 850 pounds- and her decision to have gastric bypass surgery. Renee, a young woman in her twenties, was bed ridden, had two beautiful young daughters and had not seen part of her own body for years. She did not leave her bedroom. No, she COULD not leave her own bedroom. She had her family video tape her daughters' school plays and activities so that she could watch them in her prison. She could not hug either of her children, she could do nothing for herself any longer.
Except eat.
Renee ate and ate and ate and ate, she was enabled by her family and her friends who brought her eight burgers at a time, endless cookies and fried food. Her eldest daughter said she ate until her stomach hurt.
Renee decided to go for gastric bypass surgery to prevent her from eating, a lot of hospitals refused on the grounds that she was simply to much of a risk due to her great size. One hospital specializing in the obese said they would do it.
We, the viewer, were then able to watch as Renee was hoisted from her bed onto a specially built trolley and got to see acres of her bare and frankly disgusting body, including for some reason unknown her breasts, as the doctors poked and prodded her around. we got to see as the doctor pushed up part of her body like dough, exposing blackened fungus riddled areas normally hidden under her girth. The camera man took great delight in panning across Renee's body, in close up, making sure we understood just how utterly vast this lady was.
She had her surgery-most of which we could also watch- and everything seemed to be going smoothly, she lost 4 stone and was in good spirits and then Renee's heart stopped.
She died, leaving behind a crushed family and two devastated little girls.
We got to attend her funeral, again the camera man stayed on the eldest daughter, capturing her grief and her confusion.
Got that?
The last scene or two was of the fire brigade cutting an even bigger man out of his home and using a special kind of hoist to lift him onto a trolley. They covered this man's private parts with a tiny child's pink t-shirt and wheeled him out-wearing a oxygen mask- to an ambulance.
The gist being that Renee had 'inspired' other super morbidly obese people to take the same fatal path she did.
When it was over I flicked through the channels and landed on RTE where I caught an ad for this bag of shite Operation transformation
I won't go into full rant because I see Twenty has already tackled it this morning. But basically it's just more of the same isn't it?
We're coming back around to spring and laydees and gentlemen, tis the season to start worrying about less clothing, about bingo wings and muffin tops, time to worry, break out a sweat time, time to introduce yourself to guilt, time for Fat Porn.
I've said some very harsh thing on this blog about fat, and the reason people are fat. My view still holds. I have NEVER met a fat person who did not eat too much. EVER. period. However the reason behind WHY people eat too much are myriad and complicated, but the route to great weight is always the same. Too much food consumed.
Now I've noticed that if you say that on a feminist site you will be lynched and asked to return your card. I am not joking. So I don't bother any longer. Let them produce calender after calender of fat women congratulating themselves for being 'fat and beautiful' all they like. I will continue to find fat rather disgusting, but hey, that might just be my problem. ( it probably is) I don't like it, I don't think it's attractive on either sex, I don't like when I put on weight and I don't like being told I must accept fat as the norm.
But one thing I also won't do is poke fun at fat people and turn them into a freak show, which seem to be the latest fad on TV these days.
It seems fat folk are the new circus act. We can gaze upon their rolls and rolls of flesh with prurient interest. We can ooohh and ahh as each fold and bulge is exposed. We can watch as the fatties expose themselves on television, pull faces as experts tear them apart and rebuild them. We can look down on their failings, roll our eyes at their tearful fears and shame. We can feel better about ourselves. Look at them, we can say, how vile. Who would do that to themselves? who would let themselves get like that? Disgusting. We can do all this from the comfort of our own homes. We can watch as embarrassed fat folk stand on scales and look hopefully down. We can be smug. we can be relieved.
We can be whatever we like because at least we're not them.
What wonderful people we are.
I used to be much more of an obnoxious git on this subject. I still firmly believe that a good diet and exercise it the key to weight problems. the physical weight problems anyway. But I am no bloody expert when it comes to the emotional or the psychological. I don't know why Renee Williams ate herself to death and I still don't, because Chanel 4 wasn't interested in that, it was interested in showing us the geek and the freak, the same as Gerry Ryan, the same as every other weight loss show. It's entertainment for the masses, it's showtime.
As Russell Crow roared at the crowd in Gladiator: 'Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?'
No sir, I am not, I caught the opening act and now I see this show is not for me.
Labels: But it's for your own good.
Saw a bit of that too. I thought, if she's bedridden who's bringing her the food. And whoever it is, just stop.
29, not how you'd want to go.
All them shows are cock rot. With regards to obese people would you prefer we aim to be size 0? And do you hold the same contempt for drug addicts, alcoholics and others with weaknesses? , we all have them, some peoples are just more visible detrimental. If my ass reflected all the chocolate I ate I would be a size 26. I whole-heartedly agree that people should eat well and exercise and that lady’s case is a clear example of either gluttony or a psychological defect, her family didn't help either but someone who is a size 14 and happy I certainly would not be prejudice.
You know my view on size zero if you read this blog. There is a happy medium Nonny. I don't find obese attractive, but neither do I find stick insects attractive. I chose my words carefully. And I already said, if you care to read it, my dislike of fat is my problem. I also said I don't poke fun. I've often said here if you're fat and happy so be it.
What if you other half put on a few stone? Would you give him his notice?
I watched that with my housemates and saw the one after, 'My Fake Baby'. Can't decide which was worse! Do think you're right though, it's criminal to keep feeding someone who can't even turn over in their own bed because they're so fat.
I couldn't even bring myself to watch 'my fake baby.' Terrible stuff.
Nonny, if you don't understand the difference between half a stone and obese I can't help you. Sometimes I think you are willfully obtuse.
Sorry I said your other half put on a FEW stone, like became obese.
Not trying to piss you off honestly if somebody else said that you would not give out to them. But I just think it is really interesting, what some people will tolerate and others won’t, for instance I wouldn’t piss on a drug addict if he was on fire, whereas you maybe like, ahh that’s a bit excessive. I find it utterly fascinating how the same type (can’t think of a better) word have completely different views, ye know, no, I’ll get me coat.
I can’t believe you called me obtuse, You cut me deep, Shrek.
I wouldn't date drug addict either. Or an alcoholic. Or a bank robber, or someone who is mean to cats. Nor an obese person.
What is they became obese? & was that womans husband still around?
Well you can be obtuse Nonny. I'm honest in my views and on what I think, but you regularly wade in and challenge them as though what I personally think is a direct affront to you.
I don't find obese people attractive or sexy, and you immediately start in with 'what if your paramour put on weight' like that was relevant to my original post.
It isn't, but in answer to your question, if the paramour did eat himself to an obese state then yes our relationship would suffer because sex and sexual attraction make up a very large part of what makes a couple. If he lost all his hair I wouldn't give a shit because a) it's not his fault, and b) I'm not directly turned off my bald. But I AM directly turned off by enormous amounts of fat.
It may not be enlightened of me to say so, but there you have it.
Great, we have now derailed my entire post into a what I like load of bollocks.
Obtuse is still not fair. Your blog is just rather thought provoking that’s all, tis most interesting stuff altogether, I like reading it.
Hmm, missed that last nite but it got all my chumlies wagging their chins so I got the gist of it.
No doubt the fast food culture of American society will be blamed, but what about self-control? Im sure she had some 'issues', but why rest all responsibility on American psycho-babble?
Reminds me of the lobby to charge obese people more for plane seats. Perfectly reasonable.
How was her operation paid for?
I wonder how many candles you could have made from her.
Sheepie I don't know who paid for it. Maybe Channel 4. It wouldn't be beyond them to pay for something like that. Certainly they got their pound of flesh and I'm not using that as a pun. It was very disturbing viewing.
Twenty, not today, my humour can't cope. I read your post and I get what your saying, these people who form the contestants on reality TV set themselves up for ridicule and finger pointing, but part of me can't help but feel more than a bit guilty about being part of a side show. They wouldn't keep making programmes if we the public didn't keep watching them.
In the end of the day that woman died, and yes she died by eating herself into an early grave, but there had to have been some reason she did what she did and it would have been a far better programme if Channel 4 had delved into what that might have been instead of gleefully exploiting her size and weight.
This wasn't a simple case of a woman eating, gaining a few pounds and then feeling bad about it, this women was bedridden, she couldn't even walk, what the hell drives someone to that state of being?
deep fried mars bars?
It's a well known fact,among anyone who's ever studied weight loss to any degree, that in cases of rapid weight loss, you lose a higher percentage of muscle than fat, unless you are exercising.
The heart is a muscle.
Gastric bypass surgery was bound to be fatal as a solution.
If they wanted her to survive, she should have had intensive psychotherapy to get to the root of WHY she felt compelled to eat so much. Then they could have worked out a sustainable regime of weight loss.
But hey, she was just greedy, right? Surely she just CHOSE to eat rather than taking a healthy walk?
After seeing the trailers for the programme, I decided I couldn't face watching the circus show and had a bar of chocolate to calm my nerves
Ooo sore topic.
My ma was obese - not as much as this woman on that show, but she was big. The first part of her getting big was her fault, but after that it became the result of various influences outside of her control. My ma's size was more to do with a lack of exercise than with eating too.
My biggest fear with my mam was the 'Gilbert Grape' thing - you seen that movie? I cried my eyes out - I could relate to Gilbert so freakin' much.
It's not fun having an obese family member, especially when you love them as much as I loved my mammy. I would do anything for her - even right up until she died I told her we could get her motivated to lose some weight. The first few pounds were going to be the worst.
We got over the hard part though, getting her to hospital. They had fuck all facilities for managing my mam - who WAS obese but was by no means a circus freak. She needed a bit of a wider bed and it took them hours to get it. They needed to move her down to get an x-ray and they didn't have anything to transport her on because the bed hadn't arrived yet so they put her in a chair with a wheelie thing under her feet. I cringe and tear up at the memory of that night in the hospital. The only night she had in it cause she was dead the next morning. Mam had said to me a couple of weeks prior when considering going into hospital with the ulcer on her leg, that she would die of shame if she went in.
Fat isn't funny. It isn't funny or entertaining to watch a man get cut out of his house - that was my biggest fear with my mam.
Wow, sorry for the novel. Like I said, sore topic. I don't disagree with what you said in your post. Fat is the problem of the fat - it is their problem that they created but you are right about the fact that they should not be side show acts. It's not funny. It fucking kills. Those two girls who looked after their mammy until she died are going to be without their mammy forever now - that kind of shit isn't temporary. You can't use that kind of hurt and devestation for audience numbers.
Kim, even in the surgery it was seriously dicey-her weight combined with the anaesthetic made inflating her lungs very difficult. In fact a lot of other hospitals absolutely refused to do it.
I'm sorry I watched it too. It was crash TV at its very worst. I'm still disturbed by it. And also by the way channel 4 presented it.
Sorry Pinkie we crossed.
The eldest of Renee's daughters was very well spoken and the camera loved her. But the way they filmed her at the funeral and the hugely exploitive nature of the programme was horrendous. Like I said, there could have been a lot learned from that show last night, but they went for the sensational instead.
living in the states J and i are often amazed at the sizes of so many people. what starts as a bit of weight can quickly balloon out of control-but eventually you've got to notice and stop.
however, as i've been watching what i eat and all, i can't get over portion sizes. it's not just fast food, either. the whole concept of a 'normal serving' here is enough caloric intake for a day and a half.
i don't excuse obesity in any way, nor do i condone it. but having worked in the restaurant business for so many years, what gets me is that it starts so young. i've served 8 year olds who eat two double bacon cheeseburgers, a ton of soda, fries, and dessert - all at their parents urging. so then these kids don't necessarily know anything other than overeating, and it snowballs out of control.
on another note, my family has a long history of food-related diseases... adult onset diabetes, high cholesterol, and the like. my father, who was probably 15 pounds overweight at his heaviest, had triglyceride counts in the 800's and was advised not to run as he would most likely drop dead of a heart attack. there's a serious lack of nutrition education in this country.
Big thing on obesity tonight on RTE One.
'Futureshock! Fat Nation!' it's called.
So that ought to be nice and measured, then.
The whole BODYSHOCK series is just a modern reincarnation of the carnival freak show. "Half ton mum"? what a title. No need....It is an important issue but that's not the way to deal with it......I wondered if the people from LOADED had made it.....
I think it's a vicious circle in a lot of ways. If you are very fat it must seem very daunting to try and lose weight, you have to have a will of steel and take on a serious commitment. Not everyone has that that tenacity, and as a consequence people who fail feel worse about themselves and use food as a comfort and crutch gaining more weight in the process (this is my amateur psychology at work here, feel free to disabuse it )
Like Pinkie, my mother is also obese, but steadfastly refuses to do anything about it. She likes to complain about her weight a great deal, but is unwilling to address her eating habits or her lack of physical activity. I used to lecture/ cajole/offer assistance and time, but no longer. Some people don't want to change.
But Daisy you are right, watching already heavy children eat enormous amounts of food, indeed as you say being encouraged by parents to eat enormous amounts of poor quality food, is very dispiriting.
Feeding a lazy child is asking for trouble.
Ahh that is why she was bed ridden, I thought it was hereditary or something ut she was bed ridden I suppose one thing just led to another, family felt sorry for her and gave her whatever she wanted, she felt sorry for herself etc etc. That is sad and them fucks making a mockery of it.
“ Williams said she's been heavy since childhood. In 2005, she was hit by a drunken driver in an accident that left her unable to walk because her leg was crushed. She spent the next three years in bed and gained 450 pounds.
"I didn't realize I was gaining weight as fast as I was," Williams told the Chronicle. "It was a great shock when the hospital, which had to order a larger scale, determined how much I'd gained."
I watched 5 minutes of a show on tv two weeks ago called "I Eat 13,000 Calories a Day." It featured obese men and women consuming obscene amounts of food. All admitted that they were addicted to eating. I thought it was terribly exploitative and held the fat folks in great contempt.
Those programmes give the fat folks watching license to eat, so that they can say "well hey, I need to lose some weight but I'm not in the same league as those poor bastards."
FMC, you're not alone as a feminist who has issues with fat. And no one can take your membership card away, no matter what they say.
There is nothing shallow or bad about admitting that fat and its extreme, obesity, is a turn off. You could make the argument that it's a biological thing, and that when sizing up a potential mate, we are hardwired to prefer the ones that look at least relatively healthy, i.e., will be around a while, not die of a heart attack or complications from diabetes, and will help produce healthy young and be there to help raise them.
So that's the biological/evolutionary argument.
From an aesthetic point of view, obesity AND over-thinness/anorexia is just gross.
Nothing wrong with behing honest about that.
Bloody great post, fmc.
That much human misery is a fucking tragedy.
RIP Renee, and may your family find some peace too, despite the exploitative fucks trying to make a buck out of your's and your mother's unhappiness.
The vulgarity here isn't in Renee, it's in the greasy executives reveling in her condition. The absolute fuckers.
The vulgarity here isn't in Renee, it's in the greasy executives reveling in her condition. The absolute fuckers.
And her family, who are culpable in her becoming as big as she was, in allowing them to do it.
I know Medbh, they'll have to pry it from my cold dead fingers, but god some ladies get hostile if you stray from the party line. So when those conversations rear up these days I avoid at all cost.
Andraste, good evening. I don't know why I even felt I had to qualify it. And spot on, gaunt and sickly does nothing for me either.
Sam, thats what annoying me about these slew of programmes, from the Biggest loser to Celebrity fat club, it's the carnival aspect, the way they make the poor contestants wear tiny bra tops and tiny shorts, everything designed to enhance the bulges.
I kept thinking last night, why are they filming Renee's naked breasts like that, she's still a woman, is she not allowed an ounce of dignity? Why is no one questioning the how and the why this woman got to this size? It was horrible.
Twenty, I suppose it's hard to say no to someone when you love them. Renee was a grown woman at the end of the day and her decisions and her choices were her own to make.
I am the very wreak of the Hespa, CG and I have just done our second 5k, (go CG, he was terrific tonight) but I jogged to his home and jogged back to give myself a extra bit of a stretch. Golly those Christmas drinks-all of them- are a bitch to shake off, but I think I'm out the other side of it at last.
Twenty, I suppose it's hard to say no to someone when you love them. Renee was a grown woman at the end of the day and her decisions and her choices were her own to make.
But they weren't her decisions anymore.
She couldn't decide to get up and make a sandwich, she couldn't move. She could only decide what to make them do for her.
In all honesty they need locking up allowing somebody to get to that size. It's monstrous.
OMG I agree with Twenty, jesus I have a pain in my chest and I can't breath too good.
Ha, I'll bet he'll enjoy that just as much as you do.
I too have a very low tolerance for fat people. I think we all know someone who goes to weight watchers every week and comes home with a tub of ben and jerrys to celebrate losing 2 pounds. I do accept that often the situation spirals out of control due to physical or mental limitations but sheer greed is the cause more often than not.
For the average overeight person, a very strict diet and exercise regieme will yield results but unfortunately this is not always an option. It costs money and it takes time which are luxuries that not everyone can afford.
Voodoolady, I reckon there was a whole lot more wrong with this lady than just gluttony though. She was surely suffering as much as any anorexic suffers. You simply cannot reach these human extremes if you are a normal, healthy person. Her head was wrecked, her eating was pathological - she ate 'til it hurt on a regular basis for Chrissakes - and she was just as unable to help herself as any alcoholic or addict of anything, without outside help. She never got help, which was Twenty's and Nonny's point about her family*.
I feel heart sorry for the woman, who died after all. Sure her eating killed her but I cannot condemn her for gluttony because: First off, just for a dull technical point, classically gluttony, isn't just defined as overindulgence in food. It is rather an "unholy" and unhealthy preoccupation with food. I read a lot of C.S. Lewis earlier on in life and, according to accepted religious and literary thought (historically that is), a person who fusses and frets and sends back a plate of food because it is too rich/much is every bit the glutton Henry VIII was. The person who makes a show of her piety through demanding simple fare, no matter how much extra work she'll put people to, is a glutton also. We all know them too - I have aunties of my own in mind. It's the attention paid to food, even if you're refusing it which makes you a glutton - putting anorexics in a very weird semantic position, as if they have the energy to care.
But in the end though, it doesn't matter what "gluttony" means. She was to blame for being obese, of course she was - but to a point - beyond which her brain broke down which doesn't happen to most of us lucky people. This was a painfully unhappy woman with an ulcer where her self respect should be, who died because she couldn't master her thoughts about food. It's a tragedy of brain biology and a compliant environment, plain and simple. In leaner ages where donuts weren't 4 for a dollar, she'd have suffered in another way. Every last one of us should thank either God or fuck as we're inclined, that we were not born with this poor woman's mental and physical make-up and her circumstances and without another adult to get us help. She was an extreme, an aberration, a horror story but a human nonetheless. None of us existing between the extremes of under and over-eating can know what the impulses are like. We just can't know and our standards can't apply because these people are ill in extraordinary ways. This isn't obese in any way we can recognise it. Crying "more will-power!" might work for most of us (and demonstrably doesn't, by the way), but is no use against a mind as diseased as that.
*I agree to a point but I'd exclude her children from too harsh a judgment. Children's relationships with their parents is complicated, their brains are still forming; they are easily manipulated by adults driven enough (and this woman had a food addiction driving her) they're caught between the need to be parented and do what they're told and what they might well know is the better way. I wish her children had not had to go through the further humiliation of seeing their mother's unhappiness exposed in this way. Fmc's right - the producers didn't even afford her the dignity of covering her breasts.
I've got loads of time to rail and bullshit tonight 'cos I'm driving my dad and his Bulgarian lady 180 miles round trip to LAX at 3am so they can catch a 7am flight back to Yurp, and if I try to sleep I'll feel shittier then than if I hadn't. I kind of like doing the airport run at night but it gives me another 3 and a half hours to kill. I'll away and spew in someone else's comments and give you some peace. I have to look up all about Dublin too! Woohooee!
I didn't watch it. I see too many fat ugly people in the local supermarket filling their trollies with tv dinners to actually choose to watch another one on tv -gimme some pretty and pleasurable wallpaper for the eyes to watch, Strictly Come Dancing or suchlike, where the folk are slim and lovely and beautifully dressed. And I agree with you totally about attraction. If my better half got fat I would take it personally that he would care so little about how he looked to me. And vice versa. As one of your previous commenters said - "she was just greedy, right? Surely she just CHOSE to eat rather than taking a healthy walk?" Unless somebody had removed her brain - Yes and Yes. Her children can't be blamed, they were fulfilling an adult request - they were not force feeding her like a French goose.
I don't blame her children at all. What could they do?
I just hated the show. It was exploitive and pointless. This wasn't just eating too much Shebah, this was the same as someone stripping a piece of their flesh off piece by piece until they die from lack of skin cover. This lady systematically destroyed herself over a few short years, and there has to be more to it than a simple love of eating. She knew she was killing herself and she couldnt' seem to stop. We maybe had a chance to get behind the thinking, to understand what the hell it is that drives someone to do this to themselves, but no, Channel 4 just wanted to stay with the shock and gawk.
I was thinking about it later, after seeing the man getting cut out of his house, I was wondering how many of these ghosts are across the land, laying in the dark, trapped by a self built prison, unable to turn, to walk, to get out of bed to urinate and it really chilled me. There has to be more to it than a simple addiction to food.
I suspect it's to do with being the centre of attention. The kids all running around seeing to her every need, proving their love over and over (and now saddled with guilt). And she must have signed on the dotted line for the tv programme. More attention seeking. A bit of healthy family neglect could have saved her life, but you have to ask was it a life worth saving. This year I am reserving all my sympathy for the deserving folk, dispossessed and damaged by war, famine and events beyond their control. The whining, self indulgent, greedy, self appointed "victims" can go get stuffed. A bit harsh maybe, but life is too short to waste on the stupid.
Much of what I’m reading within these comments seems so hypocritical to me. I firmly believe for all our blustering and posturing regarding how horrified and saddened we are at this woman’s fate most of the commenter’s here would feel differently if she were viewed on the street in real life. I can pretty much safely say that rather that express true humanitarian concern most of the people here would laugh, point and jeer at such an individual given the chance. It happens all the time and for many extremely fat people the thought of going out in public sends them into a panic. I know this for a fact because my wife experiences this everyday. At well over 700lbs and reliant on an ECV for most of her mobility needs, my wife has endured stares, jokes, rudeness, discrimination and even physical abuse by the general public, so much so that this once very confident and beautiful woman now refuses to leave the house without my escort. All her life she has been the target of every conceivable fat joke and subjected to the kind of humiliation few people can imagine. But my wife’s experiences are not unique. The emotional abuse most super obese people suffer at the hands of so-called normal people is a major reason for their reclusiveness and inability to reach out for help. Believe it or not, most of these people see themselves exactly and as harshly as the rest of the world does and in their mind the only comfort they can turn to is food. For these super obese people, food becomes a substitute for social acceptance and the enabling family member or members become the only portion society that accepts them as they are. I wonder just how many wives, husband or family members could withhold a super obese loved ones primary source of comfort while remaining in the same household and trying to maintain a relationship. My guess would be “not many”.
Your folds gets Peter hot. And he usually is the giver in group sex with men.
e-Book readers. Could be a huge boon for students.
But they won't enjoy the benefit of electronic products. They still will pay OUTRAGEOUS prices for books for their courses.
Using evil to prey upon evil.
I realize the horrific days of people planning monsterous acts like the Holocaust are behind us. But that doesn't mean there still are not scams in the economy, besides The Skim, which the gods view as necessary for positioning's sake.
Just as clone hosting selected disfavored whom the gods wanted to ensure had no chance to ascend before The End, so did being invited into the 21st century real estate scam ensure as of yet undetermined punishment elements.
They instructed people whom they wanted to condition about when the stock market would top out and told them when they should shift their asset base into real estate instead.
And they told them when to sell before they tanked the real estate market as well, timing all based on the level of confidence they wanted each to understand.
The victims may cry "Why would this happen to me." but their behavior in a prior life would answer this:::It didin't happen to anyone who didn't deserve it. IRONICALLY, SOME WHO ENTERED CLONE HOSTING AND PLANNED THIS ECONOMIC EVENT BEFORE THEY LEFT WERE REINCARNATED SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS EVENT.
The God's poetic justice can be a beautiful thing indeed, even if they are evil Cunt Fucks.
You want this fucked up? There you go degenerate shit.
Pedistal only due to their power, not their phantom moral superiority.
Both the public and the private sector host $400k overpaid employees. The difference?
The public sector preys upon the disfavored rejects from motherlands, people too disfavored to stay reproducing with their own blood. Corporate preyed upon the more favored purebloods from their motherland through sourcing and therefore incurr more evil in the eyes of the gods, for their lives have more value. Yet another great example of the god's "reverse positioning".
They point the finger at me and claim I participate by shopping at WalMart.
Now this is something I have yet to understand, for they ALL engage in this sourcing due to cheap Asian labor.
It is the essence of life in the United States, and it is not by accident. Overconsumption of the Earth's resources is due to the same reason.
And Walmart has a very straightforward business model; rest assured I pay a margin on each and every product I purchase at Walmart independantly, including my $3 box of American made Cherios and my 68 cent can of Campbell's tomato soup.
INCIDENTALLY, it seems to me we pay THE SAME PRICE FOR SHIT THAT WE DID BEFORE SOURCING BEGAN. The difference is being poicketed by corporate and the $400k employees who are recruited into playing a part in this evil.
The gods intentionally set this up to ensure the onus falls upon the preditory capitalist and not the ignorant public.
Trash at the top just as there is trash in the ghetto.
e-Book readers. Could be a huge boon for students.
But they won't enjoy the benefit of electronic products. They still will pay OUTRAGEOUS prices for books for their courses.
Using evil to prey upon evil.
I realize the horrific days of people planning monsterous acts like the Holocaust are behind us. But that doesn't mean there still are not scams in the economy, besides The Skim, which the gods view as necessary for positioning's sake.
Just as clone hosting selected disfavored whom the gods wanted to ensure had no chance to ascend before The End, so did being invited into the 21st century real estate scam ensure as of yet undetermined punishment elements.
They instructed people whom they wanted to condition about when the stock market would top out and told them when they should shift their asset base into real estate instead.
And they told them when to sell before they tanked the real estate market as well, timing all based on the level of confidence they wanted each to understand.
The victims may cry "Why would this happen to me." but their behavior in a prior life would answer this:::It didin't happen to anyone who didn't deserve it. IRONICALLY, SOME WHO ENTERED CLONE HOSTING AND PLANNED THIS ECONOMIC EVENT BEFORE THEY LEFT WERE REINCARNATED SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS EVENT.
The God's poetic justice can be a beautiful thing indeed, even if they are evil Cunt Fucks.
You want this fucked up? There you go degenerate shit.
Pedistal only due to their power, not their phantom moral superiority.
Both the public and the private sector host $400k overpaid employees. The difference?
The public sector preys upon the disfavored rejects from motherlands, people too disfavored to stay reproducing with their own blood. Corporate preyed upon the more favored purebloods from their motherland through sourcing and therefore incurr more evil in the eyes of the gods, for their lives have more value. Yet another great example of the god's "reverse positioning".
They point the finger at me and claim I participate by shopping at WalMart.
Now this is something I have yet to understand, for they ALL engage in this sourcing due to cheap Asian labor.
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