Saturday, March 29, 2008
About Me
- Name: fatmammycat
- Location: Ireland
I'm a bouncy, opinionated, messy haired marathon running (!) bibliophile. I wear high heels and have delightful ankles. I'm a devoted drinker. I want a French Bulldog puppy whom I shall call Batman and dress in capes on occasion. I would also like a pug, whom I shall name Mister Woo. He can remain capeless, but I will make sure he wears a diamante collar at all times. Both dogs will submit to repeated snorgling and high pitched squeals that only a dolphin would normally tolerate. I hate Reiki/psychics/mystics/frauds with all my liver. Also, I'm firmly against Jazz and poetry/poems/pomes/ peoms or any of that stuff. I believe in the healing power of ginger.
Previous Posts
- motivation for Fatcats and possibly for chumlies o...
- Happy Ginger day Chumlies!
- You give me fever. But not property fever.
- The evangelical exerciser.
- Prayer versus Diabetes.
- Uncanny.
- Voodoo is a load of nonsense.
- Catholic Church Demand Input in Schools.
- The universe is fucking me.
- A sunday observation or two.

Yeah, saw that earlier today. Still haven't stopped laughing at Darwin rapping.
Me neither, it totally tweeked my gaffer tape.
Darwin is a funky motherfucker.
Mr. M will love this.
It is catchy.
One for the boom box at the "all you can eat meat BBQ" at the cinema showing "The Life of Brian" in Good Friday.
Darwin be chillin', yo.
Another weekend at cat's, another bloody earworm...
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