Not slow and not easily scared off.
I"m thinking of calling the guards. But I can't decide if I'm over reacting or not. It's not a natural state for me to include Gardai in anything but in this case I think the woman in question needs a short sharp shock, and maybe visit from the local boys in blue might just be the ticket.
I'll explain the situation and you can tell me what you think.
I may have mentioned this before but there's a group of cottages grouped around a communal green near where I live and where I run. The end cottage has a mastiff or actually it could be a dogue de Bourdeaux. Either way, she is a young powerful bitch who is frequently out and about. This dog is about two, barely out of puppyhood, but already she exhibiting all the signs of an excellent and potentially dangerous guard dog.
This first time I encountered this dog I had CG's dog with me. This bitch had been running around the green with another dog when her head came up. She then chased Cg's lovely quiet dog until the owner came out and called her inside, assuring me 'she wouldn't hurt a fly.'
The second time I encountered this dog she was lying in her garden. I was jogging along the river bank and she began to bark as I neared their property, she then jumped OUT of their garden into next door's garden and out onto the green, all the better to chase me. I stood my ground and again the owner- a much older woman who is easily outweighed by said dog, came out and called her in. The dog retreated-slowly, but her hackles remained up and I realised then she meant business.
Since then I've mostly avoided running near there, but yesterday I did a loop and ended up not too far away from that house and lo and behold out pops cujo and this time she fucking charged me. I want you to look at the photo I posted and then imagine that lumbering-at speed- down a grassy bank barking in a deep hoarse bark.
Now I'm tall, and as I owned a doberman myself back in the day I don't really frighten easy. Jack Russells worry me (sorry Eolai, but they are nippy), but most other dogs do not.
I stood stock still and yelled, 'get the fuck! Go on!' in a very loud aggressive way and fortunately the dog didn't launch an attack, but neither did she look particularly worried about me, which
worried me. What she did was flank me growling and even in the back of my head I was pondering my options should this bitch decide I was fair game. This dog probably outweighs me and if she bit me I'd be seriously seriously hurt. Not to mention if she knocked me down I'd be lucky to get back up again.
Fortunately before I became Pedigree Chum the old lady came out and started hollering. It took her some time to call that beast to heel, ( I will admit it probably seemed like an eternity) then as the dog slowly made her way back up the bank, casting many a look in my direction, the women started with 'She wouldn't hurt you-'
To which I replied, 'I don't give a fuck what she'd do, she shouldn't be out.' ( bad mannered of me I know but the bloody thing had scared the shit out of me and I could feel the adrenaline pumping. What if I had had my ipod on and hadn't hear her bark? She might have jumped on my moving body and pinned me to the ground.)
'That's a few times that fucking mutt has run after me! What if she bites? What if she attacks a child? What are you going to do then? Huh?? What the fuck is she doing out!!??'
Well I ranted and raved like a lunatic for a few more minutes using expletives and hand gestures and all the things you'd expect a person who has just had the heart knocked sideways with fear to do. And then I went back to my run, muttering and mumbling under my breath.
But this morning I am still fuming. I am genuinely considering calling the Guards. I don't think that woman has any real clue how dangerous that dog really is. Of course the guards won't do anything, 'being chased by a dog' is hardly a priority I know that, but that women needs to understand just how serious a risk she is taking by not keeping that beast in a secure yard. That animal is territorial and fearless, not a good combination, if she decides she's protecting the home and hearth there's bugger all anyone could do to stop her.
Labels: Land Sharks are fast.